php - Doctrine cache relations -

i have entity 'category' has relation many 'projects' in term has many 'images'.

i'm caching results inside 'category' repository fetch project linked category conditions. caching done redisbundle , doctrine: query->setresultcachedriver functions:

try {           $qb = $this->getentitymanager()->createquerybuilder();          $qb->select('category', 'projects')             ->from('appbundle\entity\category', 'category')             ->leftjoin(                 'category.projects',                 'projects',                 \doctrine\orm\query\expr\join::with,                 $qb->expr()->eq('', 1)             )             ->where(                 $qb->expr()->eq('category.slug', ':slug')             )             ->setparameter('slug', $slug);          $query = $qb->getquery();          $query             ->setresultcachedriver($this->cachedriver)             ->setresultcachelifetime($this->cachelifetime);          return $query->getoneornullresult();      } catch (\doctrine\orm\noresultexception $e) {         return null;     } 

i'm looping throught projects in view , display imags of each project.

is possible cache queries to? im getting 1 query each project fetch images.

what you're doing cache isn't issue. reason you're getting image query per category because you're lazy loading images. left join images categories , add images select , you're good.


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