android - How to load video thumbnails using square picasso library? -
currently i'm loading mediastore image thumbnails using picasso listview
following snippet: (video.getdata()
returns actual path of image such mnt/sdcard/...
picasso.with(this.context) .load(new file(photo.getdata())) .resize(50, 50).config(config) .centercrop() .into(viewholder.imageviewitem);
now i'm , unable load mediastore video thumbnails passing video.getdata()
instead of photo.getdata()
first need create videorequesthandler
public class videorequesthandler extends requesthandler{ public string scheme_video="video"; @override public boolean canhandlerequest(request data) { string scheme = data.uri.getscheme(); return (scheme_video.equals(scheme)); } @override public result load(request data, int arg1) throws ioexception { bitmap bm = thumbnailutils.createvideothumbnail(data.uri.getpath(), mediastore.images.thumbnails.mini_kind); return new result(bm,loadedfrom.disk); } }
after that
videorequesthandler videorequesthandler; picasso picassoinstance;
build once
videorequesthandler = new videorequesthandler(); picassoinstance = new picasso.builder(context.getapplicationcontext()) .addrequesthandler(videorequesthandler) .build();
then load file path
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