android - How to make Eclipse LogCat display all columns? -
basically have exact same problem guy:
eclipse logcat shows first letter each message
but answer provided not work me. accepted answer tells go location , stuff:
however when try go there, don't have "" file. if check files there, this:
as can see, not mention of android.
so how fix this? maybe there package should've installed haven't?
also, i'm using eclipse 4.5.0 (mars) on ubuntu 14.04.
first of all, create file name :
after invisible log messages , columns : made work making 1 change @ time this:
first add lines , save file, restart eclipse.
ddms.logcat.auotmonitor.level=error ddms.logcat.automonitor=false eclipse.preferences.version=1 ddms.logcat.automonitor.userprompt=true logcat.view.colsize.level=54
exit eclipse, add lines below 1 @ time, restart eclipse, exit eclipse.. repeat process lines once.
logcat.view.colsize.application=169 logcat.view.colsize.time=156 logcat.view.colsize.tag=124 logcat.view.colsize.text=202
at end of annoying process, should have columns in logcat had written on file.(
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