ios - Basic Forecast app for iphone -
i building basic weather app iphone, novice in programing, app gives me 1 message instead of showing weather, error message have written default, don't know what's wrong it, here code:
import uikit class viewcontroller: uiviewcontroller { @iboutlet var usercity: uitextfield! @ibaction func findweather(sender: anyobject) { var url = nsurl(string: "" + usercity.text + "/forecasts/latest") if url != nil{ let task = nsurlsession.sharedsession().datataskwithurl(url!, completionhandler: { (data, response, error) -> void in if error == nil { var urlcontent = nsstring(data: data, encoding: nsutf8stringencoding) nsstring! var urlcontentarray = urlcontent.componentsseparatedbystring("<span class=\"phrase\">") if urlcontentarray.count > 0 { var weatherarray = urlcontentarray[1].componentsseparatedbystring("</span>") var weather = weatherarray[0] as! string self.resultlabel.text = weather }else{ self.resultlabel.text = "was not able find " + self.usercity.text + "weather. please try again1" } } else{ }}) resultlabel.text = "was not able find weather " + usercity.text + ". please try again2" } else{ resultlabel.text = "was not able find weather" + usercity.text + ". please try again3"
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