swift2 - Swift array.map - cannot invoke 'map' -

i using following code in xcode 6.4 split strings inside array arrays:

func getdata() -> [string] {     let data = navdata      // navdata like:     // a|xxx|xxx|xxx     // r|ccc|ccc|ccc     // n|ccc|ccc|ccc     // n|ccc|ccc|ccc      return split(data) { $0 == "\n" } }  let data:[string] = getdata()  func search(query:(string, int)) -> [string] {     let recs:[string] = data.filter { $0.hasprefix(query.0) }     var cols: [string] = recs.map { split( recs ) { $0 == "|" } } }  func searchqueries() -> [(string, int)] {     return [("n", 1)] //key, column index }   q:(string, int) in searchqueries() {     var results:[string] = search(q)     x in results     {         result = results[0]     }  } 

it used work before, guess swift changed in 1.2 , gives following error now:

cannot invoke 'map' argument list of type '(() -> _)' 

any suggestions?

thank you!

after discovering in swift 2 have split strings using characters property, made work in playground:

let recs = ["col1|col2|col3", "1|2|3"] let cols = recs.map {     split($0.characters) { $0 == "|" }.map {string($0)} } cols.first // ["col1", "col2", "col3"] cols.last  // ["1", "2", "3"] 

note in swift 2 beta 2 can use {string.init} @ end.

to make work in swift 1.2, remove .characters.


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