How do i make an automatic file writing system? -
i'm making automatic file writing system writes random numbers onto .txt file, need write .bat, problem i'm newbie batch!
this common problem, call autosave, code:
( echo %yourvariable% ) > mylittlevariable.sav
what do? when script reaches code, writes number %yourvariable% in .sav file, .sav can changed .txt or format.
want load variable now! code:
< mylittlevariable.sav ( set /p yourvariable= )
well want write random numbers! code random numbers:
( echo %random% echo %random% ) > random#s.txt
so how works? batch file, before having command in autosave batch writer have put echo
, how echo
makes statement in cmd, types after in autosave, too. code basic .bat:
( echo @echo off echo title basic autosave batch echo :loop echo set supervar=15 echo cls echo echo hello, world! echo echo supervar: %%supervar%% echo pause echo goto loop ) > mybasicbatch.bat
so, know know does, correct? hope helped you!
ps double amount of percent signs necessary, if had normal amount code wouldn't read properly!
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