javascript - Issue with getting new data from http call and automatic reload -

in ionic app have 2 services studies , collections. studies makes http call json object gets json array object iterate through , display on html page. here studies service:

.factory('studies',function($http,$filter,$q){     var deferred = $q.defer();     $http.get("http://localhost/platform/loginsuccess.json").success(             function(data){                 // angular.copy(data, studies);                 deferred.resolve(data);             }         );    return {     all: function(){       return deferred.promise;     } }; }) 

and here controller code:

$scope.studies = [];  studies.all().then(function(data) {                 $scope.x = angular.fromjson(data.allprojects);                 $scope.studies = angular.fromjson($scope.x.list);             }); 

this how displayed in html:

<div class="feed-item" ng-repeat="study in studies">         <div class="feed-media">             <img src="" class="feed-image">             <div class="feed-gradient-overlay"></div>             <a href="#/app/studies/{{study.noderef}}"><h4 class="feed-title">{{study.title}}</h4></a>z         </div> </div> 

study.noderef extracted in same controller , fetched function calls service using noderef.

scope.nodeid = $stateparams.studynoderef; $scope.collection = [];  collections.fetchcollection($scope.nodeid).then(function(data){               $scope.y = angular.fromjson(data.list);               $scope.collections = angular.fromjson($scope.y[0].collections); }); 

here collections service:

.factory('collections', ['$q', '$http', function($q, $http) {     return {          fetchcollection: function(collectionid) {             var deffered = $q.defer();              $http({                 method: 'post',                 url: 'http://localhost/platform/project/fetch.json',                 params: {                   'noderef': collectionid                 }             }).success(function(data) {                 deffered.resolve(data);             });              return deffered.promise;         }      }; }]) 

then iterate through collections in menu.html page side menu present in templates:

<ion-list ng-controller="navigationctrl" ng-repeat="collection in collections">       <ion-item nav-clear menu-close ng-click="go('app.studies')" class="item item-icon-left brand-base-text-color">           <i class="icon ion-ios-paper"></i>             {{}}         </ion-item> 

now when click on study on studies.html page redirects appropriate #/app/studies/{{study.noderef}} however, side menu doesn't update collections on side menu after refresh it. both study , collections service under same controller called appctrl. how collections reload automatically based on appropriate noderef of study?


here code have in app.js file studies,study , menu(where iteration collections done). can seen use same controller called appctrl:

  .state('app', {     url: "/app",     abstract: true,     templateurl: "templates/rubyonic/menu.html",     controller: 'appctrl',     reload: true   })     .state('app.studies', {     url: "/studies",     views: {       'menucontent': {         templateurl: "templates/rubyonic/studies.html",         controller: 'appctrl',         reload: true       }     }   })     .state('', {     url: "/studies/:studynoderef",     views: {       'menucontent': {         templateurl: "templates/rubyonic/overview.html",         controller: 'appctrl',         reload: true       }     }   }) 


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