playframework - Play Framework: migrating configuration from 2.3.8 to 2.4.1 -
the migration guide play 2.4.1 says evolutionplugin = disabled
can safely omitted if 1 not using evolution... what's dbplugin = disabled
, ehcacheplugin = disabled
? same principle apply?
they're old, used present follows:
/** * plugin enabled. * * {{{ * ehcacheplugin.disabled=true * }}} */ override lazy val enabled = { !app.configuration.getstring("ehcacheplugin").filter(_ == "disabled").isdefined }
/** * plugin disabled if either configuration missing or plugin explicitly disabled */ private lazy val isdisabled = { app.configuration.getstring("dbplugin").filter(_ == "disabled").isdefined || dbconfig.subkeys.isempty }
both of have gone. regarding cache, 2.4 documentation says:
it possible provide custom implementation of cacheapi either replaces, or sits along side default implementation.
to replace default implementation, you’ll need disable default implementation setting following in application.conf:
play.modules.disabled += "play.api.cache.ehcachemodule"
regarding database, not including jdbc
, other database library dependencies suffice.
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