csv - Looping through names on a list to run through another program in Python -

i've been trying run list of twitter user names through python script downloads tweet history twitter's api. have user names csv file tried import list , pass through script one-by-one using for-loop. however, getting error seems dumping entire list script @ once:

<ipython-input-24-d7d2e882d84c> in get_all_tweets(screen_name)      60       61         #write csv ---> 62         open('%s_tweets.csv' % screen_name, 'wb') f:      63                 writer = csv.writer(f)      64                 writer.writerow(["id","created_at","text"])  ioerror: [errno 36] file name long: '0       tonyabbottmhr\n1              albomp\n2     johnalexandermp\n3      karenandrewsmp\n4 

for brevity's sake, including list in code, importing of names csv list commented out.

apologies, in order run script, 1 needs twitter api. code below:

#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8  import tweepy #https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy import csv import os import pandas pd  #twitter api credentials consumer_key = "" consumer_secret = "" access_key = "" access_secret = ""  os.chdir('file/dir/path')  mps = [tonyabbottmhr,albomp,johnalexandermp,karenandrewsmp] #df = pd.read_csv('twitmp.csv')  #for row in df:     #mps.append(df.accname)     def get_all_tweets(screen_name):     #twitter allows access users recent 3240 tweets method      #authorize twitter, initialize tweepy     auth = tweepy.oauthhandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)     auth.set_access_token(access_key, access_secret)     api = tweepy.api(auth)      #initialize list hold tweepy tweets     alltweets = []        #make initial request recent tweets (200 maximum allowed count)     new_tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name = screen_name,count=200)      #save recent tweets     alltweets.extend(new_tweets)      #save id of oldest tweet less 1     oldest = alltweets[-1].id - 1      #keep grabbing tweets until there no tweets left grab     while len(new_tweets) > 0:         print "getting tweets before %s" % (oldest)          #all subsiquent requests use max_id param prevent duplicates         new_tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name = screen_name,count=200,max_id=oldest)          #save recent tweets         alltweets.extend(new_tweets)          #update id of oldest tweet less 1         oldest = alltweets[-1].id - 1          print "...%s tweets downloaded far" % (len(alltweets))      #transform tweepy tweets 2d array populate csv      outtweets = [[tweet.id_str, tweet.created_at, tweet.text.encode("utf-8")] tweet in alltweets]      #write csv       open('%s_tweets.csv' % screen_name, 'wb') f:         writer = csv.writer(f)         writer.writerow(["id","created_at","text"])         writer.writerows(outtweets)      pass  if __name__ == '__main__':     #pass in username of account want download     in range(len(mps)):         get_all_tweets(mps[i]) 

it seems this

#df = pd.read_csv('twitmp.csv')  #for row in df:     #mps.append(df.accname)  

portion of code giving troubles.

here problem(s)

problem 1

when ones iterates on dataframe object, iterate on it's column names, not want that. can see running list(df) returns list of column names.

problem 2

when append df.accname in fact appending entire column. in end, mps becomes list of dataframe columns, each element identical , equal df.accname.


all need is

df = pd.read_csv('twitmp.csv') mps = df.accname.tolist() #or df.accname.astype(str).tolist() if aren't strings, should 


when loop on mps, try using enumerate, 2 variables, , code cleaner in opinion

for i,name in enumerate( mps):     get_all_tweets( name )  

you can still use index of name (i) within each iteration, .


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