objective c - Facebook login happening when clicking Logout in iOS? -

i have viewcontroller shows fb button signing , taking user next viewcontroller.

i have made changes in info.plist


#import "appdelegate.h" #import <parse/parse.h> #import <fbsdkcorekit/fbsdkcorekit.h> #import <fbsdkloginkit/fbsdkloginkit.h> #import <parsefacebookutilsv4/pffacebookutils.h>  - (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:(nsdictionary *)launchoptions {     // override point customization after application launch.      // initialize parse.     [parse setapplicationid:@"parse_app_id"                   clientkey:@"parse_client_key"];      [pffacebookutils initializefacebookwithapplicationlaunchoptions:launchoptions];     [fbsdkloginbutton class];      // [optional] track statistics around application opens.     [pfanalytics trackappopenedwithlaunchoptions:launchoptions];      // return [[fbsdkapplicationdelegate sharedinstance] application:application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:launchoptions];      return yes; }  - (void)applicationdidbecomeactive:(uiapplication *)application {     [fbsdkappevents activateapp]; }  - (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application             openurl:(nsurl *)url   sourceapplication:(nsstring *)sourceapplication          annotation:(id)annotation {     return [[fbsdkapplicationdelegate sharedinstance] application:application                                                           openurl:url                                                 sourceapplication:sourceapplication                                                        annotation:annotation]; } 


  • add uibutton , change class fbsdkloginbutton
  • add segue uibutton next viewcontroller , name fbsegue
  • add ibaction uibutton , call fbloginaction


#import "loginviewcontroller.h" #import <parse/parse.h> #import <fbsdkcorekit/fbsdkcorekit.h> #import <fbsdkloginkit/fbsdkloginkit.h> #import <parsefacebookutilsv4/pffacebookutils.h>  - (ibaction)fbloginaction:(id)sender {         [self fblogin]; }  - (void)fblogin {     nsarray *permissions = @[@"public_profile", @"email"];     [pffacebookutils logininbackgroundwithreadpermissions:permissions block:^(pfuser *user, nserror *error) {         if (!user) {             nslog(@"uh oh. user cancelled facebook login.");         } else if (user.isnew) {             nslog(@"user signed , logged in through facebook!");             [self performseguewithidentifier:@"fbsegue" sender: self];         } else {             nslog(@"user logged in through facebook!");             [self performseguewithidentifier:@"fbsegue" sender: self];         }     }]; } 


  • when click login facebook button on ios simulator, safari page authorize app. when that, still see loginviewcontroller facebook button changed logout.

  • when click logout button, taken facebook on safari message have authorized app , taken app. there option in bottom logout , cancel, in clicking either, taken next view controller.

any guidance please? understand since have not done under viewdidload method, user won't logged in , taken next view controller when app starts.

i think using fbsdkloginbutton in wrong way.

from documentation on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/ios/current/class/fbsdkloginbutton/

fbsdkloginbutton works [fbsdkaccesstoken currentaccesstoken] determine display, , automatically starts authentication when tapped (i.e., not need manually subscribe action targets).

so shouldn't have use ibaction , can using uiview instead of uibutton fbsdkloginbutton


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