audio - Is there a demo for add effects and export to wav files? -
is there demo add effects , export wav files?
i have searched, not find way solve it.
add effects input.wav file, , play it. , export new wav file effects. please me.
my code :
result = fmod::system_create(&system); errcheck(result); result = system->getversion(&version); if (fmod_ok != result) { printf("fmod lib version %08x doesn't match header version %08x", version, fmod_version); } // result = system->setoutput(fmod_outputtype_wavwriter); // errcheck(result); char cdest[200] = {0}; nsstring *filename=[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@/addeffects_sound.wav", [nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains(nsdocumentdirectory, nsuserdomainmask, yes) objectatindex:0]]; [filename getcstring:cdest maxlength:200 encoding:nsasciistringencoding]; result = system->init(32, fmod_init_normal | fmod_init_profile_enable, cdest); //result = system->init(32, fmod_init_normal, extradriverdata); errcheck(result); result = system->getmasterchannelgroup(&mastergroup); errcheck(result); [self createalldsp]; -(void)createsound:(nsstring *)filename { //printf("really path = %s", getpath(filename)); result = system->createsound(getpath(filename), fmod_default, 0, &sound); errcheck(result); [self playsound]; } -(void) playsound { result = system->playsound(sound, 0, false, &channel); errcheck(result); //result = channel->setloopcount(1); // errcheck(result); }
your question quite broad, encourage refocus on areas having trouble with.
to answer question though, there several apis need achieve goal, have of them in code.
to fmod system ready output .wav:
- system_create
- system::setoutput
- system::init
to create , prepare desired effect:
- system::createdspbytype
- system::adddsp
to create , play desired sound:
- system::createsound
- system::playsound
to check when sound done:
- system::update
- channel::isplaying
to shutdown , finialize .wav
- sound::release
- system::release
this basic outline of 1 way can achieve goal fmod.
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