java - Groovy could not find matching constructor -

could explain me why simple piece of code not compile?


class node{      integer key     string value      node leftnode     node rightnode      node(){}      node(integer k, string v){         this.key = k         this.value = v     }  } 


class binarytree{      node root;      def addnode(k, v){          def newnode = new node(k,v)          if(!root){             root = newnode         }else{             node currentnode = root             node parent              while(true){                 parent = currentnode                 if(k < currentnode.key) {                     currentnode = currentnode.leftnode                     if(!currentnode){                         parent.leftnode = newnode                         return                     }                 } else {                     currentnode = currentnode.rightnode                     if(!currentnode){                         parent.rightnode = newnode                         return                     }                 }             }         }     }      def inordertraversal(def node, def silent){         if(node){             inordertraversal(node.leftnode)             !silent ?: println("node ${node.dump()}")             inordertraversal(node.rightnode)         }     }   } 


//test binarytree project binarytree = new binarytree();  binarytree.addnode(45, "v1") binarytree.addnode(60, "v4") binarytree.addnode(12, "v3") binarytree.addnode(32, "v9") binarytree.addnode(415, "v7")  binarytree.inordertraversal(binarytree.root, false) 

3 simple files. when press play in intellij, or when try run this: groovy -cp ./src src/main.groovy

caught: groovy.lang.groovyruntimeexception: not find matching constructor for: groovy.util.node(java.lang.integer, java.lang.string) groovy.lang.groovyruntimeexception: not find matching constructor for: groovy.util.node(java.lang.integer, java.lang.string)     @ binarytree.addnode(binarytree.groovy:7)     @ binarytree$ source)     @     @ com.intellij.rt.execution.application.appmain.main( 

the constructor in node looks fine me.

i using java 8 , groovy 2.4



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