
Showing posts from July, 2015

java - Spring Transactional not using same JDBC connection -

can please tell me why sql exception "invalid object #emp_temp" if running both queries under same transaction? @transactional public map<string, eventtype> findeventsbydaterange(final date starttimestamp, final date endtimestamp) throws exception { log.debug("fetching events data"); string event_query = "select id, name, status, joindate #emp_temp employee joindate >= ? , joindate < ?"; this.jt.execute(event_query, new preparedstatementcallback<boolean>() { @override public boolean doinpreparedstatement(preparedstatement preparedstatement) throws sqlexception, dataaccessexception { preparedstatement.settimestamp(1, new java.sql.timestamp(starttimestamp.gettime())); preparedstatement.settimestamp(2, new java.sql.timestamp(endtimestamp.gettime())); return preparedstatement.execute(); } }); //this.jt.execute(event_query); return this.jt.query("s

scala - Functional combinator for filter then map -

i have collection of tuples of type (boolean, a) i'd transform collection of a . is there known combinator following? .filter(_._1).map(_._2) .collect { case (b, x) if b => x } ( filter isn't operation available on functors in general, depends on mean "i have functor on tuple (boolean, a)")

multithreading - Running a Sinatra app from within Rails breaks CTRL-C behaviour -

as explained here , rails creates trap int signals starts. i have rails app starts sinatra app in separate thread. begin! rescue => e puts e.message end end it seems running sinatra app in separate thread causes rails app no longer respond int signals, meaning can't kill via ctrl-c. sinatra app "steals" of int signals. how fix this? possible configure rails app ctrl-c kills both , sinatra app? my sinatra app booting via webrick. found using jruby-based server instead, puma or trinidad (with trap flag set false ), solved problem. this answer helped me find solution.

meteor - waitOn blocking template from loading -

when start meteor server , navigate default route, see apploading template inside mainlayout (as expected), main template never loads after subscription loaded. i've got simple routes.js file (below) autopublish still turned on. i seeded db , can confirm in browser console subscription there, , there items in services collection. probably missing simple here. /*=================== configure defaults ====================*/ router.configure({ layouttemplate: 'mainlayout', loadingtemplate: 'apploading', notfoundtemplate: 'notfound' }); /*=================== configure routes ====================*/ router.route('/', { // default route name: 'main', template: 'main', waiton: function() { return meteor.subscribe('services'); }, data: function() { return services.find(); } }); i'm guessing not have publication? client waiting "ready" notification publicat

java - Priority queue (from scratch) and linked lists -

i trying create linked list unordered raw data (string1...priority10, string2...intpriority2, etc) , have had trouble conceptualizing how can sort write method priority queueing. need method enqueue each object, in order, without using sorting algorithm on final linked list, or using linkedlist or priorityqueue itself. my enqueue method, nothing hard here: public class objectqueue{ object front = null; //points first element of queue object prev = null; //points last element of queue /** * creates object of object , adds class queue * @param name of object * @param rank of priority sort */ public void enqueue(string name, int rank) { object current = new object(name, rank); //uses current entry string name, int rank if(isempty()) //if empty, add element front { front = current; } else //if elements exist, go end , create new element { = current; } pre

Cannot pass javascript variable to php page under jquery .click() method -

in code below window.location.href not working. when use outside .click function works inside not. <script> $('#para').click(function(e) { var getid= $("#"; id = getid.substring(getid.indexof("id: ")+3,getid.length); alert ("success"); window.location.href = "specificimagepage.php?id=" + id; } </script> the below code ( just showing para id is ) used retrieve images database , when user clicks on image want pass image id next page, can again used. <div id = "para"> <?php $j; $files = glob("upload/*.*"); require 'config.php'; //database config file ($i=0; $i<count($files); $i++) { $image = $files[$i]; $info = pathinfo($image); $file_name = basename($image); $sql = "select id,address, cuisine, imagename postfood imagename = '".$file_name."' ";

javascript - document.cookie/setCookie not working on Safari and IE -

i trying play music last end point after each page loaded. example not working on safari , ie working fine on firefox,opera , chrome. possible replace jquery cookie plugin , how? <audio preload="auto" src="a.mp3" loop="true" autobuffer autoplay="true"> unsupported in firefox </audio> <script> function setcookie(c_name,value,exdays) { var exdate=new date(); exdate.setdate(exdate.getdate() + exdays); var c_value=escape(value) + ((exdays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toutcstring()); document.cookie=c_name + "=" + c_value; } function getcookie(c_name) { var i,x,y,arrcookies=document.cookie.split(";"); (i=0;i<arrcookies.length;i++) { x=arrcookies[i].substr(0,arrcookies[i].indexof("=")); y=arrcookies[i].substr(arrcookies[i].indexof("=")+1); x=x

About calling C function from Assembly and vice versa -

i've tried calling asm c , vice versa. worked perfect @ least have questions. here code: test.s followed: .text .global _start .global _main .type _main, @function .global writeme .type writeme, @function _start: #; write hello world 5 times. #; jump exit , call c function after that. #; c function calls writeme assembly function #; exit syscall xorl %ecx, %ecx #; ecx = 0 call _get_eip #; eip without labels. research. pushl %eax #; push stack incl %ecx #; ++ecx pushl %ecx #; push stack movl $len,%edx #; tell length of string movl $msg,%ecx #; tell string position movl $1,%ebx #; fd = stdout movl $4,%eax #; syscall = write int $0x80 #; perform call popl %ecx #; pop counter

Merging two Datatables into One C# -

i have simple issue yet can't resolve , issue each time merge 2 datatables merge comes out funny looking , table 1 goes on top of table 2 , know because didn't set primary key of column ,but when did error because having duplicate values in enitity column .how pass , knowing duplicate values occur in primary key column private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) { datatable merge = new datatable() ; merge.merge(t1()); merge.merge(t2()); gridcontrol1.datasource = merge.defaultview; } public datatable t1() { datacolumn col; datatable d = new datatable(); d.columns.add("enitity"); d.primarykey = new datacolumn[] { d.columns["enitity"] }; //d.primarykey = null; d.columns.add("variable"); d.rows.add(new string []{&

java - Hibernate cascading multiple layers -

let's assume have following medical situation: 3 entities: consultation , 1 nullable prescription . prescription set of medicine s. i've modelled them follows: (java code stripped of unnecessary info) consultation { @id @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.identity) private long id; @onetoone(cascade = cascadetype.all, mappedby = "consultation") @joincolumn(name = "prescription_id") private prescription prescription; } prescription { @id @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.identity) private long id; @onetoone @joincolumn(name = "consultation_id") private consultation consultation; @onetomany(cascade = cascadetype.all, mappedby = "prescription") private set<medicine> medicines; } medicine { @id @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.identity) private long id; @manytoone @joincolumn(name = "prescription_id") private

How to run the php file with firefox in vimrc configuration? -

i have set php command line mode in vimrc configuration file. nmap <f5> :!php % it run current php file when press f5 key in php command line mode . now want run current php file in firefox browser,how map f6 job? nnoremap <f6>f :exe ':silent !firefox "". "%"'<cr> it can't run when press f6 key. think zach . command changed nnoremap f :silent !firefox " " the file test.php edited in vim ,my document root /var/www , when press f6 , f ,the firefox opend. not found the requested url /var/www/test_equal.php not found on server. apache/2.2.22 (debian) server @ port 80 the problem how fix " " ,to change here current file /var/www/test.php (%). why command can't run? nnoremap <f6>f :silent !firefox -new-w

java - How to access a constructor of with default access (or package-default) -

i'm trying instantiate constructor of class imported maven dependency via it's coordinates. problem have particular constructor of class, invisible me because has no access modifier associated default, meaning can't access outside. i know there way access private methods via reflections, using getdeclaredmethod() method of class method, doesn't work constructors (please correct me if i'm wrong). the class i'm trying use here: public class decisiontablebuilder { // notice no access modifier here it's package-default decisiontablebuilder(log log, file in, file out) { stuff ... } // public constructor public decisiontablebuilder() {} // method 1 public void compiler(file schema) { stuff ... } // method 2 public void linker(file attribute) { stuff ... } } here toplevel in separate project: public class toplevel { public void testdecisiontablebuilder() { // error saying constructor de

c++ - Why does the same variable have different values depending on formatting -

#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; int main() { float x=1234.56; printf("%10f\n", x); return 0; } why x change value, shouldn't 1234.560000. displays 1234.560059 there's many values can represented float , , 1234.56 ain't 1 of them: public class whatsthefloatingpoint { public static void main(string[] args) { float x = 1234.56f; bigdecimal y = new bigdecimal(x); system.out.println(y); } } this program prints closest value used: 1234.56005859375

html - How to make variables with a function javascript? -

i've been in automated tasks while want allow user create own variable way a = myname = guy (a) = an quite useful please don't use dictionary. same normal variable! you can this: function setvariable(varname, value){ this[varname] = value; } this create variable value , name on window object or on object function attached (calling context). remember objects hash tables, can get/set variables this obj["var1"] = 123; var var1 = obj["var1"]; so it's can set using string name of object member name.

c# - Error adding gesture to visual gesture builder frame source with kinect v2 -

after creating gesture database using visual gesture builder, i'm trying write own project detect gestures. after see example of "discretegesturebasics-wpf" comes sdk browser, tried write own code, when i'm trying add gesture "visual gesture builder frame source" object, i'm getting exception: "a first chance exception of type 'system.invalidoperationexception' occurred in microsoft.kinect.visualgesturebuilder.dll" i added in post-build event line "xcopy "$(kinectsdk20_dir)redist\vgb\x64\vgbtechs" "$(targetdir)\vgbtechs" /s /r /y /i" still not working. if i'm using example comes kinect sdk, working fine, when i'm trying write own project isn't working @ all. test custom database on project , it's working. this line code isn't working: foreach (gesture gesture in database.availablegestures) { if ( ||

closed captions - Extracting a eia_608 stream from a mpeg2 transport stream with FFMPEG -

i'm trying convert mpeg2 transport stream mp4 stream. video , audio fine, can't seem figure out how tell ffmpeg extract eia_608 stream video , place in stream mp4 or mov. i've tried straight copy shown below. ffmpeg -f mpegts -i tsfile3.ts -codec:v copy -fflags genpts -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -codec:a copy -codec:s copy -f mov tsfile3a.mp4 has done this? if so, syntax? thanks. finally figured out. aware appears work mpegvideo , not h264. syntax follows: ffmpeg -i closedcaption_rollup.ts -f lavfi -i "movie=closedcaption_rollup.ts[out+subcc]" -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 1:1 -c:s mov_text test_out.mp4 this using ffmpeg fate test clip. caveats are: appears work mpegvideo. can't work h264 doesn't output eia_608 type in file, converts mov_text.

ruby on rails 4 - Aptana Studio 3 Debug server unresponsive -

using aptana studio 3 debug ruby on rails 4 project first time. " debug server " starts server, doesnot stop @ breakpoint , makes page unresponsive. does experience same problem. solutions/suggestions appreciated. thanks i found answer. gem byebug causing issue. remove gem , bundle install , able debug through aptana.

c++ - Compile error when defining a member function, but only in GCC -

the following program compiles without errors msvs, clang , gcc: class a; namespace y { using ::a; class {}; } int main() {} now let's define member function. still compiles msvs , clang, not gcc: class a; namespace y { using ::a; class { void f() {} }; } int main() {} gcc gives following error message: error: definition of 'void a::f()' not in namespace enclosing 'a' [-fpermissive] why that? bug in gcc? if second version of program violates rule of c++ standard, rule violate , why doesn't msvs , clang give diagnostic message violation? is case of ambiguity of c++ standard? from error message looks gcc incorrectly thinks have violation of following rule: "a member function definition appears outside of class definition shall appear in namespace scope enclosing class definition." we not have violation of rule since member function definition inside class

backbone.js - Does a CollectionView's childView have to be an ItemView? -

i trying final layout like... left column (collectionview) panellayout(layoutview) bannerview (itemview) contentview (layoutview) section1 (compositeview) gridrow (itemview) panellayout(layoutview) bannerview (itemview) contentview (layoutview) section1 (compositeview) gridrow (itemview) but left column (collectionview) not want show panellayout(layoutview). possible have childview: layoutview (like example below) , not itemview ( ) class panellayoutview extends marionette.layoutview template: templates['panel'] regions:{ bannerregion: "#banner-region" contentregion: "#content-region" } class leftcolumncollectionview extends marionette.collectionview classname: "leftcolumn column" childview: panellayoutview childviewcontainer: "leftcolumn"

java - delete data from db with spaces in jsp -

this question has answer here: request paramter value truncated first part when contains spaces 2 answers unable delete data, db(mysql), spaces example: "blabla blabla" or " blabla", data without spaces deleting: "blablabla" here how value in jsp: <a href=deletedata?id=<%= rs.getstring(1)></a> and deletedata - servlet import javax.servlet.servletexception; import javax.servlet.annotation.webservlet; import javax.servlet.http.httpservlet; import javax.servlet.http.httpservletrequest; import javax.servlet.http.httpservletresponse; import; import java.sql.connection; import java.sql.drivermanager; import java.sql.statement; @webservlet("/deletedata") public class deletedata extends httpservlet { protected void doget(httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response) throws serv

css - Border based triangles not rendering as expected -

i trying make full square out of 4 rotated triangles, when position them, there thin space between. weirder, when rotate entire thing, lines disappear in chrome, appear in middle of triangle (forming x again) in firefox. jsfiddle how can remove line without adding background , without losing of size? tried using translate3d , in every way tried, either didn't remove lines, or reduced size of square, shouldn't happen. must feel weird, here's fiddle final product explain why doing (just remove overflow:hidden attribute @ top of css see logic behind it): jsfiddle why there white line? when create div has borders there set default property. there borders there not quite? creating triangles in css hack. use borders in way there not intended. setting properties of borders create triangle create tiny gap looks pixel wide, 0.5px. haha joking right? nope setting width 0.5px solves problem: .wrapper { width: 200px; height: 200px; margin:

node.js - NodeJS https.get with unicode string results in Bad Request -

can me debug following code snippet? queries wikimedia api unicode characters, in case simplified chinese. prooblem latest (0.12.6) node version (built source) options: --with-intl=full-icu --download=all results in empty body. check response find bad request. however, same code snippet works fine node version 0.10.25 (i think got ubuntu package manager). apperently older version have internationalisation support default , newer ones not. how can following code work latest nodejs version? // generated coffeescript 1.9.3 (function() { var get, cmd, https, languagecode, options; https = require('https'); = function(options, callback) { return https.get(options, function(response) { var body; body = ''; response.on('data', function(data) { return body += data; }); return response.on('end', function() { return callback(body, response); }); }); }; languagecode = 'z

java - JDBC and Database Integration Error -

i have been trying alter information of database different, example in database code there 50 bits of information going in states values , when run jdbc code return how many rows of information there is, works , returns 50 rows. want lower number 50 30, error occurs , don't know how without error occurring. basic cannot find out how it, without error occurring. appreciated, sorry if hard understand asking for, best way can explain it i had cut alot of rest of code because looks extremely messy on this. here bit of database code having trouble with: set database sql types false set database sql tdc delete true set database sql tdc update true set database sql translate tti types true set database sql concat nulls true set database sql nulls first true set database sql unique nulls true set database sql convert truncate true set database sql avg scale 0 set database sql double nan true set database sql longvar lob false set database transaction control locks set database def

c# - Passing value using an event -

so, first generate list containing custom usercontrols made of button , progressbar, generate using loop. inside loop send each events desired methods, need access progress bar inside of reset method, how do that? progresstimerlist[i].button.reset += button_reset; progresstimerlist[i].progressbar //////need access object and void button_reset(object sender, eventargs e) { //////inside of here } create class inherited eventargs property of type progressbar , pass handler: public class mybuttoneventargs : eventargs{ public --whateverprogressbartypeis-- bar {get;set;} } progresstimerlist[i].button.reset += (sender, e) => button_reset(sender, new myeventargs { bar = progresstimerlist[i].progressbar }); void button_reset(object sender, mybuttoneventargs e) { var wunderbar =; }

PhpMyAdmin on Laravel 5 Homestead, Windows -

i downloaded phpmyadmin /code folder, , updated homestead.yaml file: folders: - map: c:\users\{ myname }\code to: /home/vagrant/code - map: c:\users\{ myname }\code\phpmyadmin to: /home/vagrant/code/phpmyadmin sites: - map: to: /home/vagrant/code/laravel/public - map: to: /home/vagrant/code/phpmyadmin i updated hosts file also... { ip homestead.yaml} when browse displays same site i'm using windows. there way restart homestead? how work? you'll need reprovision homestead vm with vagrant provision see adding additional sites

objective c - iOS shapes animation -

i'm starting first app development , before laying out structure of app need understand how can accomplish complex shapes animations uikit (possibly). i came across animated picture on dribbble , replicate effect in test app, understand how kind of animations accomplished. this animation i'm talking about... firstly thought create keyframe animation (multiple images) , animate it, sounds pretty inefficient. need use uibeizerpath or other core graphics stuff. what suggest me re-create effect? in advance. p.s: possibly if include code snippets, obj-c best choice instead of swift. this site has break down of how you'd accomplish this. basically, use shape layer path entire curve taken middle line during animation. use stroke start , stroke end properties of shape layer transition horizontal line circle. have 2 other shape layers 2 horizontal lines rotate cross.

audio - Editing an mp4 by manipulating samples -

i edit/manipulate mp4 file without decoding/encoding frames , know if possible. assume have 2 sets of audio/video encoded same parameters. on video side had sequence of frames like: ibppbppbppb , wanted change (where -> inserting) ibppb->ibpp would work ok? i want similar aac audio removing/inserting samples. it possible under circumstances manipulate contents of mp4 file without decoding/encoding frames. instance, can split mp4 file separate files, or concatenate mp4 files. in general, concatenation works if have compatible encoding configurations. for aac audio streams, there no decoding dependencies between audio frames if streams have same configuration, can editing @ mp4 level without problem. for video streams, again same configuration, need concatenate streams starting random access points (closed gop). for these operations, can use mp4box : mp4box -split 10:20 file.mp4 -out file-split-10-20.mp4 will create new file containing 10 seconds. m

sql - Spatial query on large table with multiple self joins performing slow -

i working on queries on large table in postgres 9.3.9. spatial dataset , spatially indexed. say, have need find 3 types of objects: a, b , c. criteria b , c both within distance of a, 500 meters. my query this: select school.osm_id school_osm_id, school_name, school.way school_way, restaurant.osm_id restaurant_osm_id, restaurant_name, restaurant.way restaurant_way, bar.osm_id bar_osm_id, bar_name, bar.way bar_way ( select osm_id, name, amenity, way, way_geo planet_osm_point amenity = 'school') school, (select osm_id, name, amenity, way, way_geo planet_osm_point amenity = 'restaurant') restaurant, (select osm_id, name, amenity, way, way_geo planet_osm_point amenity = 'bar') bar st_dwithin(school.way_geo, restaurant.way_geo, 500, false) , st_dwithin(school.way_geo, bar.way_geo, 500, false); this query gives me want, takes long time, 13 seconds e

sql server - Execution Plan behaviour with DateTimeOffset -

i'm trying determine best way query date ranges in sql server when dealing datetimeoffset fields. my query i have thought (if anything) first query take more effort there need implicit conversion string datetimeoffset. but actual query plan shows different story and seems problem lies in estimated number of rows? so - things being equal, why using datetimeoffset parameter rather string incorrectly estimate number of rows returned, , therefore take order of magnitude more resources execute? show query cost taking 96% of batch? query cost estimate though actual query plan? statistics accurate , upto date , i've cleaned proc cache before running query with literal, histogram stats used because value known @ compile time. value unknown @ compile time local variable average density statistics used instead, resulting in different row count estimates. you either add option recompile query hint "sniff" run time variable value or use

python 3.x - Import Error: No module name -

i facing issue while importing class. folder structure below: python_space |_ |_ ds_tut |_ |_ stacks |_ |_ (contains class stack) |_ trees |_ |_ (wants import stack class above) used following code import: from stacks.stacks import stack getting following error: "importerror: no module named stacks.stacks" stacks inside ds_tut module. work? from ds_tut.stacks.stacks import stack

javascript not working on form -

can tell me why script in header tag doesn't work. can form show up, enter of information, click submit don't output show up. i've looked @ code on , on don't see problem is. appreciate help. teacher @ school doesn't much. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title> event scheduler </title> </head> <body> <header> <script> function scheduledevent(evtdate, evttitle, maxattendees, coordinator, phonenum, email, infourl, printevent) { this.evtdate = evtdate; this.evttitle = evttitle; this.maxattendees = maxattendees; this.coordinator = coordinator; this.phonenum = phonenum; = email; this.infourl = infourl; this.printevent = printevent; function printevent() { document.write("<p>you have scheduled event named " + this.evttitle); document.write(" occur on "

audio - Is there a demo for add effects and export to wav files? -

is there demo add effects , export wav files? i have searched, not find way solve it. add effects input.wav file, , play it. , export new wav file effects. please me. my code : result = fmod::system_create(&system); errcheck(result); result = system->getversion(&version); if (fmod_ok != result) { printf("fmod lib version %08x doesn't match header version %08x", version, fmod_version); } // result = system->setoutput(fmod_outputtype_wavwriter); // errcheck(result); char cdest[200] = {0}; nsstring *filename=[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@/addeffects_sound.wav", [nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains(nsdocumentdirectory, nsuserdomainmask, yes) objectatindex:0]]; [filename getcstring:cdest maxlength:200 encoding:nsasciistringencoding]; result = system->init(32, fmod_init_normal | fmod_init_profile_enable, cdest); //result = system->init(32, fmod_init_normal, extradriverdata); er

opengl es 2.0 - GlTexImage2D is doing nothing -

i've been trying million of combinations pass texture shader without success. here code should add second texture on video ( oes_external_texture ). there no gl error (i've verified calls). external texture displayed (the video), other texture black in shader (0, 0, 0, 1f). this how i'm initiating 'overlay' texture. _texs = new int[1]; gles20.glgentextures (1, _texs, 0); _overlayid = _texs [0]; gles20.gltexparameteri(gles20.gltexture2d, gles20.gltextureminfilter, gles20.glnearest); gles20.gltexparameteri(gles20.gltexture2d, gles20.gltexturemagfilter, gles20.gllinear); gles20.gltexparameteri(gles20.gltexture2d, gles20.gltexturewraps, gles20.glclamptoedge); gles20.gltexparameteri(gles20.gltexture2d, gles20.gltexturewrapt, gles20.glclamptoedge); gles20.glbindtexture(gles20.gltexture2d, _overlayid);

puzzle - Seven thieves & diamonds riddle C program -

i wrote c program following 'seven thieves , diamonds' puzzle: "there 7 thieves, steal diamonds diamond merchant , run away in jungle. while running, night sets in , decide rest in jungle when everybody’s sleeping, 2 of best friends , decide distribute diamonds among , run away. start distributing find 1 diamond extra. decide wake 3rd 1 , divide diamonds again …..only surprise still find 1 diamond extra. decide wake fourth one. again 1 diamond spare. 5th woken up……still 1 extra. 6th still 1 extra. wake 7th , diamonds distributed equally." although logic quite simple understand, program seems quite buggy. seems run numbers 3, 5 , 7. i new programming in general , feel program not sophisticated: #include<stdio.h> int main() { int n,i,j,k; int a[30]; printf("enter number of thieves\n"); scanf("%d",&n); i=n+1; while(1) { j=2; k=0; while(j<n) {

c - Starting with gdk_default_root_window -> Get all monitors -

i writing function x, y, width, , height of monitors of multi moniotr setup. i found solution: so implemented jsctypes: var collmoninfos = []; var rootgdkwin = ostypes.api('gdk_get_default_root_window')();'rootgdkwin:', rootgdkwin.tostring(), uneval(rootgdkwin), cutils.jscgetdeepest(rootgdkwin)); var rootgtkwin = ostypes.helper.gdkwinptrtogtkwinptr(rootgdkwin); // screen contains monitors var gdkscreen = ostypes.api('gtk_window_get_screen')(rootgtkwin); var fullwidth = ostypes.api('gdk_screen_get_width')(gdkscreen); var fullheight = ostypes.api('gdk_screen_get_height')(gdkscreen);'fullwidth:', fullwidth.tostring(), 'fullheight:', fullheight.tostring()); // collect data each monitor var monitors = []; v